Wishing You A Blunderful Day!

See see, I hardly have many loyal readers here, and since I’m in a strenuous effort to keep you cling to my posts, not attempting any foolish pranks on you and make you feel foolish for landing up here!

Hence I thought to summing up with some raw blunders happened to me and my friends in the twelve months since last April 1. (During last April Fool’s day, I did some chivalric attempts to fool my office mates and you can see that ‘project report’ here and another one belonging to 2008, here :) )

2 months back, I was coming against a one way route at Santacruz and which was absolutely, honestly and tragically without my knowledge about that one way pulse on that route! At first I felt something wrong with the road, as I could see a lot of motorists coming against me but very few on my direction, but I kept going cool. The few rickshaws and bikes that were going in the same direction as mine, soon leapt into the small branches of the road before I suddenly came into this junction where another road met.

Luck was mine I thought, seeing a cop standing there, busy with his job! I should ask him, I felt, whether I could go ahead on the same direction. He saw me, my dilemma I firmly thought, and asked me to wait for a minute. So kind of him, I thought, and felt bad for disturbing him during his work. I removed my helmet and cooled my head. He took some 3 minutes later and came and captured my license! Let the rest be a secret.

I got married. For some, it would sound to be a bigger blunder. But for me it’s never! Never! Never! Never! (My wife reads this too)

A friend of mine, a very close friend, had a craving to visit a dance bar. I had denied him from going for that and he knew I would never like it if he ever did that. On the day some of his friends came to visit him, he went missing for a night. In the mid night he called me to say that he was safe and on the way to visit some hill-station with friends. But after the conversation, he forgot to switch off his cell-phone, (in the excitement) and what I could hear was only flirtatious talks and seductive songs.

April fool is about love; love for pranks :) . If you are a good prankster, wishing you a great hunt ahead, and if you are not, wishing you lots of free slaps!

Click here to see a prank by Rediff. Shared by Nagaraj. Haha, April Fool you are :) (only this much now)! Actually Click Here!

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