A Passive Mistake...

'Passive Voice’ is not about being passive in life. It’s just about writing passive sentences in English Grammar.
The teacher was busy giving lectures on ‘Passive Voice’ & ‘Active Voice’ Thus she asked me to write the passive voice of the sentence ‘I made a mistake’. Like now, even then I was very impulsive in my reactions.

I got up and said, ‘I was made by a mistake’. The teacher looked at me awkwardly.

Like agreed with me, my friend, who was sitting near me stood up and said … ‘I think he is right'

What do you say, was I right or wrong?

My Valentine Perception...

Love Nibbles, when you know that she loves you too, but not ready to disclose it to each other so easily.

But I feel, this is the most charming moment in one’s Love life. Only eyes speak the tender tongue, the rhythm of Love.

Eyes do sparklers in the hearts. It speaks, it hugs and it says, I LOVE YOU.

When you are in this time of your life, you will really feel that everything that she does reciprocates to what you do and feel. Her passions become yours, your smile becomes hers and your world unifies to become a lone and lovely one.

But of course, if she doesn’t smile, you will feel really bad!

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