
Podimon was born when his elder brother was 18.

He was the youngest member of his family and the biggest in terms of the love he used to get from others.

If you are the youngest in your family, you would know this, the love and the love bites as well!

He was now 6 years old. After the yearlong toil, his Chacha was going to come home on a vacation.

Podimon was at the end of his patience rope. His eyes were about to jump out of their lids as he kept on looking up above the sky, waiting for his Chacha’s airplane to fly by! Minutes grown to hours but Podimon was not yet tired of waiting!

Suddenly he saw something in the sky, roughly like an airplane. To get a clearer view of it Podimon climbed the nearby tree, with his eyes above head. Yes!! It’s an airplane, Podimon had felt goosebumps! ‘Chachaaaaaaaaaaa!, he yelled in glee, raising both the hands to the plane! He lost his balance and fell down as gravity played its role without fail!

When Chacha came, Podimon welcomed him with his little hands, but broken and plastered! In sweet voice he asked, ‘Chacha did you hear me calling you’?

Realizing what had happened, his elder brother said, ‘Yes, of course, I was also shouting at you, but you weren’t listening’

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