Kottayam- The Cultural CentreShock!!

Kottayam is known as the Cultural Center of Kerala. But when you are there, if you don’t take ultra care of your valuables, you might say the contrary.

Yes, some times things are boasted above what’s it actually. May be to make money, or just to make some noise.

In my dreams, Kottayam has always been a lurid land of nightmares. Once upon a time, it had me in tears and fears.

After degree, I have planned to take advertising as my career stream. I have found an institution in Coimbatore offering PG in Advertising and was on my way to get admission there. I was with my Dad.

Till Kottayam, my briefcase was there in the rack of the bus. But when the bus reached the station at Kottayam, the Briefcase was found missing and replaced by another empty one.

I felt sweat on my palms! My Dad was almost mad! Who took the briefcase? It had contained a better deal of me! All my certificates, diaries, money and almost everything that I had been valuing till that date…

The police hub was found almost empty but more disappointing was the way the one cop was reacting. With a needless smile, he had poured in our details into his casebook and asked us to leave the place as soon as possible. He told us that incidents like this are very common in Kottayam and it would be ideal if the passengers could take care of their valuables. Advice, the most commonly available remedy to your disasters!!!

‘Where to go now?’ thoughts popped up as we have realized that there was no money left in the pockets.

A father and son, belonged to values, prestige and hopes, are now made beggars in a town, the cultural center!

The last pocket of my multi-sachet-pants had some hopes for me. Two hundred bucks given by my grandmother was in it, like a green in the desert.

With the remaining shock in mind, we left the place.

Till today, at least in my most eccentric dreams, I have hoped for the return of my Hard Earned certificates from a Mr. Gentleman… who would have mistakenly took away my briefcase and my scopes!!

My Dad says that the person would have completed his never-dreamt-about professional course and now working in any of the top companies! Another Santhosh George Wilson!!


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