Goddess of Love!

What melts my eyes most is my mother's love. Without the love she bestowed in me, I wouldn't have been able to write this, today.

The blames she received on account of her naughty sons and daughter, the nights that she forgot to sleep in our study room, the tensions she had willfully gone through during our examinations, the variety of food she made everyday against each one’s demand and the disapprovals whenever the food did not click, the silences and deep breaths when we gave her hurts, the smiles that we failed to recognize; her life has been fared bad!

Despite all this, I go ahead and wish her a Happy Mother’s Day and kisses! This wouldn’t make any difference but I think from this moment, I can make myself a better son to her!

And your mother! I wouldn’t know her, but that doesn’t stop me from wishing her! Here is her Happy Mother’s Day! Convey my love to her!

Mother; she knows only to love, but when we are not there to recognize her love, we are stopping a river from flowing, a flower from blossoming and spreading its fragrance around!

Dessert: I used to call my mother 'Aunty' till I became 4 years old. I had learned that from my elder cousins who used to stay with us during then and call my mother 'Aunty'.

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anil aryanad said...

HI Santhosh,
Apt blog....:)
Nice Nice!!!

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