If I Don't Tell You My Love!

To propose a girl, you can’t be funny. If she doesn’t like your fun, you are screwed.

But you can be crazy. Here is an example.

Lena told me last day about the latest proposal she has received. A guy, who she knew from long back, holds all the credit to be mentioned here as he has not only proposed to her, but also has set high standards to his male counterparts!

He proposed her on phone. The summary of the conversation is here.

Dear Lena.. I know you from past so many years and you know me too. But do we know each other the way we really wanted to? So I just thought of calling you up. In case if you had any romantic feelings towards me, you can tell me right now! Otherwise tomorrow, if I get engaged with some other girl, you should not feel that I have been ignoring you!

Good way to deal right?

Any way, I really don’t care what happened next as this girl has nothing much to do with me. She would have possibly accepted it as this guy was handsome and from healthy backgrounds!

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