Paissa Hut!!

Making money comes so naturally as an instinct! From lollypopping boys to age-over uncles, every one is by default money-keen. We drink, we breathe and we money-make-think. Making money is a such an obsession for all of us, a fact I came to affirm yesterday.

Long time after posting my last entry, I have been awaiting such a good spark of inspiration.

I saw Pizza Hut guys making money out of their work within their work time. They made money with a simple thought, which I had to appreciate in mind saying Hurray!!

The two guys who go to the same route for home deliveries would meet at a certain junction after delivering the pizza. From that point, one guy would stop his scooter’s engine as the other one would push it with leg. Doing like this a dozen of times a day, they would save a whole lot in their petrol budget and pocket a good deal of money at the end of the day.

What else to say than Hurray!, when these guys are making money not only smartly, but greenly too?

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