Sunday School Ramayana!!

With people like Narendra Modi around, today we can’t help having that feeling of a Hindu or Muslim or Christian. They keep on reminding us through every word and action. Even if we don’t accept a label, they will try to inflict it upon us.

Without these people, assume how fruitful life would have been? I can remember an honest incident to take your attention for granted; an incident which taught us that you are not a Hindu nor a Christian but a human being.

Like every other Sunday, we had to go to church on this particular Sunday too. The kids had to reach the church early. The purpose of going so early was to attend the Sunday School, spirituality classes meant for the parish kids.

But we never.

What we went for was to attend another spiritual feast, namely Ramayana, a tele-serial used to be aired those days, exactly at the time of our Sunday School classes. Just beneath the church was this house, where we flocked to watch the serial.

Once the serial was over, we stepped in the Church.

Ohh… awaiting our arrival, there was someone standing in front of the Church, the priest, Father John. He had a stick in hand.

“Where were you? “

“There.” Our hands showed the house.

“Doing what?”

“Watching Ramayana”

“Then tell me who took the Ring as Keepsake of Sita and went to Lanka to console her?”

“Hmmm Hanuman”

“Good. Now go to Church.” He left the stick on the ground.

At the end of the Holy Mass, he asked all the kids to stand up. Then he told to the parents that from the coming Sunday onwards Sunday School would be one hour later after the serial got over.

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Anonymous said...

so true......

Anonymous said...

sory i forgot putting my name.....jyotie

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