The Blunder Man

It’s too late to talk about Sreejith, one of my good friends. As he is a 3D animator, we’ve shortened his name to 3G.

He is a known figure among us for his natural blunders. Blessed with a lot of forgetfulness, he keeps on going and jumping into a lot of funny incidents, which regularly get us a laugh every time we gather.

I can’t help telling you one such incident, which constantly haunts me and makes me laugh and then cry due to laughter.

The day he had lost a rain jacket, I had asked him to take care of his belongings more carefully. But the next week, he again lost the new umbrella!

Since he was my roommate, I couldn’t help asking him where the umbrella was. He had no answers but a few doubts on how he would have lost it.

It could be in the crowded bus, as he would have kept it loose in hands while snoozing. Or it could be in the office as someone else could have taken it. It could be even at the railway station, while struggling to get into the second class compartment. He had no clear idea.

As usual, we went on teasing him.

A few weeks later, he came back with a little aggression on his face.

Uncompromisingly he said, “You dogs, I have got the umbrella back, it was in my bag itself… see it’s here….”

Laughter is now prohibited in my premises.

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Unknown said...

I think u r the most blunder man i ever know...Dont forget mone once u were my room mate......

Santosh Wilson said...

Hello Sire.. .thank you for reminding me of those wonderful days.. now i realize how difficult u could adjust with me... im all thankful to u..

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