The Blind Hope- & Nibin, the youngest bud fell apart!

God is blind. Fully and seriously. Since I don’t want to join an atheist’s army, I must not say there is no God!

Here is the story of a young boy who died yesterday, like a bud falling apart before sprouting completely.

Nibin is what we call him. Making the last 17 years of him a painful past, bloody death snatched him away from the caress of his mother and only sister. For a silly reason, Dengue!

His mother is a widow. She lost her husband just 6 years after her marriage. Nibin, a couple of years old then, was crying bitterly, seeing his mother in moaning.

Without loosing hope in Life, She grew her kids. Once again, she sowed all her dreams. And the horrible night of yesterday, like a blast of sadness, shattered all those dreams. And he went away.

Nibin. See, from right or left, you can spell it the same way! Just like how his loving sister used to do. Just like how his friends used to do. Now she has nothing to do, nor they, except wiping the clueless tears.

A horrible nothingness looms my heart, and there is no tears, no laments, but only an undying silence!

And here is our ‘loving’ God! I still believe him, just that He is totally blind.

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Anonymous said...

way to go my dear bro ahead !!!!!1

ancient clown said...

My brother;
When I was 7yrs old, crossing the street in front of my house in the country, I was struck down by a hit & run driver in a truck and almost killed. With my sister & cousion watching. My mom threw me in the car and rushed me to the hospital.
The doctor said how lucky I was and that millimetres closer to my ear and I would have been killed instantly.

A few years later on that same piece of highway, my younger brother by 4yrs was struck by a car and killed at 5yrs old with my sister & cousin watching...while crossing the street in front of our house. Three amulances broke down coming to aid him and he was finally rushed to hospital in the back of a police car.
The doctor said he could have saved him if they could have gotten him there quicker.

I didn't think GOD was blind...I thought GOD was mean. Why would he save me and kill my brother, he was the only one I had. No, everything happens for a reason and it was because GOD was cruel & mean...or so I thought then.

Until I learned that everything DOES happen for a reason bigger than I can usually see at the time. And I learned the driving force behind that reason is 'LOVE'.

GOD only sends forth the 'Angel of Death' out of grace and mercy. To save us from more than we can handle. The rest of life is to increase our awareness of exactly how much that is. By our NEEDS not our WANTS. Nibin chose his life and death, for reasons unique to him, though we may not SEE that.
Do not mourn him, but rejoice that he has returned to GOD.
"I don't think I know...I just know I'm thinking."
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown

Santosh Wilson said...

This is above my humble scape of accepting things in good sense!! you really deserve much more good happenings in ur life!!

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